Tuesday 1 February 2011


I was concentrating on a project: masterplanning document which we just hand in this Monday so I didn't have time to post something last week and I am sorry for the delay.
Here is my masterplan rendered that I hand in last week.

My masterplan which I change the brightness and the contrast of my photo to make it more realistic even if it is still not right yet.
 I am quite proud of the changes I made from my previous masterplan but I am still unhappy with my rendering which I am trying to improve as my aim for the next coming weeks.

My section n 1
 I am glad I put a sky they look much better with it. Less empty I think. I did choose my section and sketches carefully hoping it will help people understanding my design and my masterplan.

My section n 2
 Here in this section I try to represent the various season because it is a seasonal garden so it is important to represent it well.

My sketches
They give more feeling to the site which is important. I think they give you the real atmosphere you will be feeling if the design was to be build. But it is true I didn't put enough annotations on those sketches and I think on some I could have put a lot more people to show the crowd in the Queen's Walk. I also try to show various season but I realise I forgot to draw winter as I was rendering them. What a shame!!!

1 comment:

  1. Very calm design, (love it) in a busy area. Yep like you seen errors after the event, need at 5 years to cover everything, though get a bit annoyed afterwards.

    Roll on Lille
