Wednesday 19 January 2011

Draft masterplanning

I apologise for not posting anything last week as I was working very hard and I spend lots of my nights working on two -  three project at the same time. I am glad I have hand in one on Monday. But what I will be showing you now is my masterplanning I thought we have to hand in yesterday and I am glad we didn't have to hand in it because they were a lot of mistake especially the fact that my rendering was very rough. So I am spending this week redoing my masterplanning as well as trying to finish my draft masterplanning document which I already started. Here are picture of my masterplanning drawing I have done and shown this Monday. You will notice yourself that there are not good enough.






Sketch on A1

 As you can see I need to improve my rendering, the thickness of line especially on section elevation and sketches. My title, text blocks need to disappear as well as the border I made around the A1 drawings. The title blocks, the text blocks and the border are what my teachers from previous years wanted us to put. So another reasons why I am glad we had that draft session was that now I know what sort of standard and layout the teacher at the University of Greenwich are looking for because as some of you know it is my first year at the University of Greenwich. I am looking forward to everyone works on Monday and I am working hard to make mine look great.

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