Tuesday 8 March 2011

Quick Sketches & Sketch-Up

As some of you wanted to know how I manage to do my sketches I decide to do an explanation. Adele is the one which actually inspired me when she adviced me to use Sketch-Up in order to draw my sketches with my height and scale right.
So that's how I decide to use Sketch-Up and the result is impressive. Now I can draw lots of sketches in no time with my scale right.

Here is an example of my Sketch-Up drawing:


I decide to put in Sketch-Up only the height of structure, trees as well as people. (you probably realised there are the same people). But it is just a way to put your plan in 3D quickly without to much details. After I select my area at eye level I print it and I draw on top of it on a tracing paper. Then I select some people from photos I took myself and I just add them in my sketches at the right scale.

Below you will find more example of sketches done with the help of Sketch-Up
It is simple, easy and quick. I really recommend to anyone to do the same. It is such a quick way of sketching your design and to have a visual impression of your design in order to improve your design.

1 comment:

  1. your sketches are lovely, i look forward to seeing the final ones x
