Tuesday 22 March 2011

Lighting on photoshop

I did try to have a go at lighting two weeks ago and I am still working on it.
My first attempt, really bad I have got too much contrast between white and the dark blue background (they don't blend together).

With the help of Susan W, I was able to come up with a better lighting on the plan. Using a different rubber make such a difference. Dark grey background.

This plan is my newest example I have been working on with darker blue background.
I am trying now to find a way to have yellow/orange lighting on the plan. I try with the lighting filter but it is not working on my plan. Hopefully on my final plan it will work.


  1. Nice one Amelie, but I think we're supposed to stay clear of any coloured lighting effects...I might be wrong. But it might save you the trouble trying,

    x S

  2. hi amelie,

    one way to add a coloured effect would be to create another layer between the background and the blue, with a 25% opacity, then when you burn through the blue you will see the colour as a tint


  3. Looking good, a lot to be inspired by!

    Looking forward to seeing the rendered plan with some lights
