Wednesday 27 April 2011

Sample of new evolution

 As I arrived yesterday at 23h with advanced representation lesson, I was unable to put few of my new work and I apologise.

Here is a sample of my new sketches. I follow the teachers advice and here is the result.

I extend some sketches just like I was advised and I have added visual hierarchy with thicker line at the front and fine in the background. But I have just one or two things to changed: numbering my sketches and putting it on the miniature plan.
My new sections which I also have redone with the comments I received on the last crit.

I have added cars and visual hierarchy.
I was a bit confused about the brief for setting out and drainage as I find it difficult to do a setting out at 1:200. So I have done my drainage plan which I nearly finish putting all of my annotations on.
I have have nearly finished my Vectorworks work as there is only a few small details I add everytime (I always miss something out that's why I print them in A3 everytime to check them).

I had an issue with Vectoroworks educational version because everytime I my work in pdf format it doesn't allow me to open it in photoshop or Indesign to add annotation on as it is secured.
So I try to scan them as a try and here is what happen:
And here is what happen when you try to scan the plan I printed. I am really not lucky: unwanted big black line in the middle of my drawing. I probably try to arrange all of my scan with photoshop.
I have been thinking maybe if I download trial Vectorwork version without education version on maybe I can save my document into a pdf which is non-secured. Maybe worth the try.

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