Tuesday 21 December 2010


I am back to Paris!!!
I arrive Saturday 18th December just before the snow fall.
Then few hours later Paris was covered in snow. There was 10 cm of snow and even more. Then it stay up to Sunday and on Monday it snow again another 10 - 15 cm of snow. It is the first time I saw so much snow in Paris. I took some picture which I hope you will enjoy!!
The Christmas tree we finally did inside my parent's house in Paris.

My house.

The town's church

I love this picture of my church in La Garenne Colombes. They put some nice Christmas decoration at the entrance.

Pedestrian street where cars can drive but slowly.

Below and Above french house.

Above (rear) and below (front) a friend's garden.

Train de banlieu similar to Overground (in London).

Christmas Tree at Galeries Lafayette.

Dome at Galeries Lafayette.

Now I hope that it will snow for Christmas. I love white Christmas!!

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