Wednesday 29 December 2010

La defence

I went to La Defence in Paris where I found some interesting gardens and place. I hope you will find them inspiring.

First I will show you place Jean Millier (La defence 6) which was called formerly place de la Coupole.
I like the steps leading to the place which were carefully designed to allow access to a crowd and to disable and to pushchair.

One of the interesting garden is a path used as a garden divided in two one for disabled people with ramp and another one with steps as this garden is going under a bridge (road). This garden was created as a safe pedestrian path where the roads surrounding it doesn't affect the mood. You just feel comfortable and relax in this path/garden.

Another interesting place is an entrance to the metro (tube) and the underground. They used mirror to produce an effect of water, reflection and extension.

Here is the steps leading to the underground. We can also see it reflection in the mirror.

I also found a curvy bench which look fantastic and nicely designed but it is really low, at least children can seat down!!!

Here is another steps with planting on either side:

And a roof garden next to La Defence Arch where they used only bamboo. But I can tell you it is a windy area worse than Jubilee gardens as it is surrounded by huge building.

Renaissance hotel's garden (Jardin de Valmy) which I quite like the design and the plants used.

Roof garden (underneath there is the entrance and the hall of the hotel) with the hotel's room next to it.

the hotel's garden called Jardin de Valmy.

And finally a pedestrian bridge called La Jetée next to the cemetery of Neuilly.

Benches are the same high of the path (on the bridge) but they have an access which is lower. Quite clever as disable can used the bench and people can seat next to them.

Jardins de l'Arches underneath the pedestrian bridge.

Tuesday 21 December 2010


I am back to Paris!!!
I arrive Saturday 18th December just before the snow fall.
Then few hours later Paris was covered in snow. There was 10 cm of snow and even more. Then it stay up to Sunday and on Monday it snow again another 10 - 15 cm of snow. It is the first time I saw so much snow in Paris. I took some picture which I hope you will enjoy!!
The Christmas tree we finally did inside my parent's house in Paris.

My house.

The town's church

I love this picture of my church in La Garenne Colombes. They put some nice Christmas decoration at the entrance.

Pedestrian street where cars can drive but slowly.

Below and Above french house.

Above (rear) and below (front) a friend's garden.

Train de banlieu similar to Overground (in London).

Christmas Tree at Galeries Lafayette.

Dome at Galeries Lafayette.

Now I hope that it will snow for Christmas. I love white Christmas!!

Thursday 16 December 2010

Greenwich park conservation plan

Sorry about the delay. But I was working very hard on one of my project which is about Greenwich Park. We had to create a conservation plan. I came up with three conservation idea to restore and preserve some area.
My chosen three areas are acid grassland and heath land, deer park and playground area.

The acid grassland and heath land which is the original vegetation of the Park as been recently in the process of been restored as it has been neglected. So I decide to extend the restored area which will be managed by sheep on some part and by deer on the other. Here is a photoshop montage of the acid grassland and heath land:

The deer park is in a corner of the Park and visitors are rarely exploring this part of the Park as the deer hide is very small to observe the deer and the wildlife centre is open only once a month. So I decide to extend the deer park. In order to observe the deer I design a bridge with glass panel and there is a possibility of been sound proof by adding a roof on top and using absorbing coefficient materials.

The playground area will be extend in the hill on One Tree Hill where teenager up to 20 years old can finally enjoy the park as the actual playground is only for small children. The new playground will be placed on one side of One Tree Hill which is hidden by trees so it doesn't damage the historical landscape.

Sunday 5 December 2010

Belleville park Paris (playground park)

I was studying playground for my project of history garden conservation and I come across a playground which interest me: Belleville Park in Paris. It was done by BASE landscape designer (a group of French garden designer). Located in Paris 20eme it is been completed in 2008. But what I found most interesting is the way they designed a playground using the steep slope. I have never been to this park but it makes me want to see it once (I probably go during my Christmas holiday in Paris). The most fantastic is the view: you can see the city of Paris up there. That's also why I think it is worth seeing. I will let you all know once I will visit the site.

But here is some picture I found on internet to give you a feeling of the place.

 Unfortunately I don't have a photo showing the view that we can see from up there. But I can tell you that we can see the Eifel Tower. Also in case you haven't notice yet it is designed to represent the shape of a boat.