Wednesday 13 October 2010

Art London Fair 7th-11th October 2010, bronze exhibit

I went there to have a look at my mum's friend who exhibited at the London Art Fair last week-end. Her name is Laurence Perratzi ( French artist). Her work is done by using bronze and bronze resin. Look at those pictures from her work isn't it great. I love her work.
Just checking
Title: Just checking; Bronze

Les 4 soeurs; bronze resin

 The sculpture Les 4 soeurs is actually impressive because you can pivot those 4 has you wish. So one day you might decide to have them face one way and then the following day the other way. It is quite clever. Those are my favourite. (Those pictures are not taken from me but I download them from her website:


  1. I sometimes wish I could move my garden to face one way and then another's north-east facing.

    By the way, thank you for your comments about my Historic Garden conservation presentation - on my crit sheet. They have been noted and digested.

    Je suis aller, maintainent a Calverley Parc - pour prendre les photos avec mes amies.

    A bientot
