Thursday 21 July 2011

Graduation ceremony Greenwich University 18th July 2011

It is finally here: the final ceremony!!! I have got my Degree!!
I really enjoy this final year and I will be missing everyone.
You will find here some photos of our fantastic day.

Greenwich is always windy!!!


Unfortunately some of the class are missing in this photo.

The inside of the room at Greenwich University is so luxurious with fantastic "trompe-œil" on the wall and ceiling.

Friday 1 July 2011

French garden: Courbevoie et La Garenne Colombes jardin (92)

I know it has being weeks since I have posted something and I apologise. This time I wanted to show everyone where I have been during this past week on my trip to Paris.
Here is some Park in Courbevoie not far from where I live. Some of them I advice people to visit. Everyone will have a favourite but they all have some charms in some way.

Parc du Millenaire (Courbevoie):

Calm park in enclosed by big building (apartments) with lots of shady area appreciated by everyone.

All the feature, benches are sculpted in wood.

Parc Jacques Cartier (Courbevoie):

A new park opens to the public not far from La Defence. It is a charming park surrounded by skyline. I never being to that area and it has a nice atmosphere, nice cafe "bar" but the park is full of businessman. I was not there when children leave school. But there was no children and family.

Parc Freudenstadt (Courbevoie):

Here is a typical park that you can find anywhere in Paris, it is probably why I don't particularly appreciate them (no originality).

Parc Diderot (Courbevoie):

Here is the Park that I was advised to visit. And it is a fantastic park, very modern and very well through-out. Steep hill with activities for young of all age hidden from the main attraction: the waterfall.

Parc de Becon (Courbevoie):

Historical park with view over the Seine River.

And finally a brand new park in La Garenne Colombes (92):

Just open in my town, it doesn't even have a name!! It is suitated in the new quartier des champs-philippe. It is enclosed with a fence. Even if I quite like that garden I think it is not suitable to the environment. I am not talking about the surrounding such as building but more about the type of population that lives in the area. For example it is not safe for small children (irregular paving, playground in metal in the sun all day and gravel dangerous for small children as well young through it to each other and on windows.) But otherwise I think it is a fantastic park for adults. It is a shame it has a majority of population which is children and teenager (a school is at the entrance as well as a nursery on each side of the park).